Apologies for the lack of updates... however, that only means one thing - I've been out and about. I would have had a video clip of Jerry to post, but Revver has been gummed-up lately. Looks like I'll have to go with YouTube when I've got some time to re-upload the clip.
Not hot springs related, but here's some incredible pics of Coeur d'Alene Lake that I recently took while traveling...
I just received an email update from Will about Loftus (Boise National Forest) Hot Springs stating that the springs are clean save for glass in the upper pool... most was removed (courtesy of Will, many thanks friend) but not all was completely removed.
Rnspringer posted on the forums about a recent visit to Pine Burl and Moondipper (Boise National Forest)... you can check that out here...
A good friend of mine, Conedog, just returned from the Warm Lake area where last weekend was the once a year weekend when the Nez Pierce and Shoshone tribes are granted fishing rights to the area. My knowledge is pretty weak regarding the ordeal, and will be researching this soon, but it sounds like the rights are granted as part of a treaty or some kind of agreement for tribes that inhabited the land prior to the deal making. Please chime in if you've got some knowledge to share. Anyway, Conedog was fortunate enough to share a soak with a Nez Pierce family that enlightened him of the situation. The family also told him that there was a tribe hunting in the area that shouldn't be... i.e. they were not involved in the agreement, but are taking advantage of the right. Conedog mentioned that they used nets to trap the fish, then a modified spear to bring 'em in. I had no idea.
The Roadless Area Conservation Rule AKA RAC Rule AKA Roadless Rule controversy is heating up again... thank goodness! I've gone on and on and on about this... and decided to create RoadlessIdaho.com, please visit, take action, link-up and spread the word. Let me know if you link-up, and I'll add you to the supporters list on the site. Please take a minute to send a message to the prez - Earthjustice style - Ask Obama to Protect America's Roadless Forests!
I've also received brief, positive reports for Goldbug, Molly's Tubs and Juntura (Oregon). Overall, it seems I'm getting more reports of cleaned-up hot springs vs those that are trashed. I would love to see that trend.
Hope you are all out enjoying the great outdoors, or have got plans to do so. Please remember to pick up all trash and never bring glass. Happy Trails!
Inspiring post. I'm on my way to check out your Idaho roads site. Thanks for keeping it beautiful and keeping it real.
p.s. I have returned after viewing your excellent Roadless Idaho site. Good for you for doing this! I copied one of the badges and linked it in my blog's sidebar.
Thanks so much Lydia! I will add you to the growing list of supporters!
Thanks for the very informative site, a great resource to know about...Forgive me if I missed it somewhere, but I'm trying to find out if camping is currently allowed at/near Goldbug. I've heard great things and am hoping to spend a night there next week...
Thanks for any info!
Hi Zach,
Many thanks for the kind words! There's two places to camp at Goldbug, around trail mile 1 there is a grove of trees with excellent primitive camping and at the very top, slightly above the springs, there are small stepped tent sites. There is unfortunately no camping at the trailhead parking lot... private property. However, there are a couple BLM pullouts right off the road just a few miles from the TH, as well as National Forest camping across the river bridges also a few miles from the TH.
Happy Trails!
Hey HotSpringGuy,
Love your site and have been following your work for a while. I thought you might be interested in some of my hot spring adventures...
I lived in Canada for a couple of years and visted a stack of Hot Springs there, and am now travelling South and visited some extremely remote springs in Northern British Columbia. I also made the trip across Idaho and hit about 10 springs there, including Rocky Canyon just before they smashed it down.
You can find all my trip reports and photos on my blog, The Road Chose Me at
And my personal favourite hot spring of all time, the extremely remote Deer River: http://dangrec.com/?p=811
Keep soaking!
Hey Dan!
Thanks for commenting, I've actually been to your awesome website before. Pretty sure I dropped a couple comments on the Idaho hot springs posts. I'm glad you were able to qualify some of Idaho's finest! My mouth has been watering for soaks in Canada for some time. Especially that west coast. Keep up the great work yourself!
BTW, Deer River looks absolutely stellar!
Soak-On Brotha!
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