09.16.08 Rocky Canyon Hot Springs
A welcome improvement to report at Rocky Canyon Hot Springs; the hot water channel and pool mortaring has been revamped; hot water from the source now travels down an encased tunnel, which helps trap the necessary heat required to keep the pools sizzlin hot. All of the pools feature elevated temperatures. Lately, it's been the opposite, and soaking near the top was a must. Now, it's time to enjoy the lower pools. That creek ford though, it was cold. At least the water is low this time of year, and the pools are waiting to warm your numb feet one way in. On Sunday, this place was slammed, uber-slammed! Come Monday, not a soul.
Rating: A+
09.15.08 Molly's Tubs Hot Springs
Not much new to report here... tubs and temps are in good soaking condition. Check out the video for more. Note: all primitive and official campground are currently closed for restoration purposes. Camping anywhere in the vicinity will be difficult at best.
Rating: B+
These look great, nice report! Rocky looks like a dream. I wish California had more springs associated with rivers. Lots of hot 'ditches' where I'm from. Hope I can visit Idaho someday.
Thanks for the kind words! Rocky sure is a welcome forest oasis, add to that late season white sand beaches in nearby river bends - unreal. Giddyup! ;)
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