General Description
A rebar reinforced 6 person sunken wooden box (approx. 6ft x 6ft/3ft depth) with seating, cold and hot water plumbing and a drain plug await at the end of a short hike and a bumpy, unpaved forest service road. Please drain after use to preserve the soaking box.
Seasonal Notes
Spring runoff has demolished the structure erected at the hot springs time and time again; imagine what could happen to the road - drive carefully in spring.
Typically, during winter, locals try to keep the road to the hot springs plowed. However, keep in mind the geographic location of this hot springs; 10 inches of snow can drop in mere hours. Again, be very careful. It should also be noted that harsh summer storms can oftentimes turn the road into a muck pot - there have been a few times where the road has actually washed away - leaving campers and hot springers stranded until rescue.
Camping Notes
Plenty of nearby National Forest primitive sites to choose from along the forest road, and many primitive and official campgrounds along highway 75. New for 05/06 is a small camping site next to the parking area trailhead. Don't camp here unless you are ready for round-the-clock visitors.
08.03.07 - 08.05.07 Trip Report
Great trip, stellar soak. Increase in trash and bugs; moderate amount of visitors. I encountered an interesting couple on the evening of the 4th. After the couple had been soaking for around 5 hours I went to get my soak-on. The two textiles were friendly enough. However, the dude was heavily wasted and kept asking me question after question while being totally rude to his wife. She eventually convinced him to leave, but not after I endured a full hour of not so nice banter. I sunk down into the hot springs after they left, looked up and let out a big sigh. The blanket of stars above my head more than made up for it.
Rating: A
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