The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is accepting public comments on this cruel proposal only until August 6. Please register your opposition right now by clicking here to submit an Official Citizen Comment.
Our best hope for blocking this "open fire" order is to generate a tidal wave of public outrage and please sign your Citizen Comment immediately.
The Bush Administration wants to treat wolves like vermin, instead of an endangered species that has staged a welcome and dramatic comeback from the brink of extinction.
In preparation for these mass killings, the government has already purchased planes and helicopters capable of gunning down entire packs of wolves in minutes.
Simply put, they will allow the slaughter to begin while wolves are still on the Endangered Species list!
The administration wants to be able to kill wolves anywhere that elk herd numbers may be affected by wolves. It is focusing on areas where elk herds are smaller than the states want.
But those few cases of declines in elk herds have been caused by a combination of factors including habitat destruction, drought and human hunting -- not just by wolves. And in most areas of the northern Rockies, elk numbers are at all-time highs!
Please block this new License to Kill by expressing your personal opposition while the Bush Administration is still taking public input.
Submit your Official Citizen Comment now -- and shield the wolves of Greater Yellowstone and Idaho from the coming crossfire.
Please attend an important hearing next Thursday to speak up for wolves -- and speak out against this irresponsible proposal.
When: Thursday, July 19th starting at 6:00 PM
Where: Boise Convention Center on the Grove, 850 Front Street, Boise, ID
The federal government plans to weaken its wolf management "10(j) Rule," making it easier for Idaho officials to kill hundreds of wolves within the region. The rule change would essentially remove important federal protections for wolves, despite the fact that they are still listed as an endangered species.
An open house with a brief presentation will take place from 6:00 PM 7:00 PM. The public hearing will follow from 7:00 PM 9:00 PM. During the hearing you can speak out to show your support for wolves -- and your opposition to this needless rule.
I don't doubt your post but could you quote your source on this? CNN just did a segment on the comeback of the wolf at Yellowstone - if Bush is planning this it seems their segment was premature at best.
I have a blog also on environment so if you could just comment there about your source I would appreciate. I'd like to follow this up and help.
Hi Annie,
The sources are Defenders of Wildlife and NRDC.
Best wishes,
I can seem to view your blog, what is the URL?
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