I hope summer has been treating you all well. Here's a little FYI for those of you ISO stellar soaks for the last of the warm season.
Warm Lake Access Road UpdateForest Service Road 474 South, also known as the South Fork (Payette River) Road remains closed until November 1st. The East Fork Road from McCall is currently the only access road will get you to the town of Yellow Pine and the northwestern trailheads of the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness.
Area Map showing FSR 474 northwest of Warm Lake
View Larger MapHot Springs access restricted by the closure: Penny, Sugah, Lodgepole, Teapot, Buckhorn (1 of 2 trailheads)
View the official news release PDFBull Trout Lake ClosureThe Fir Creek and Bear Valley areas are now both back open. However, the Bull Trout Lake area is intermittently closed until August 30th.
Bull Trout Lake Map
View Larger MapHot Springs access affected: Sitting Bull (trailhead 1 of 2)
View the official Boise National Forest new releaseIdaho WildfiresThe last few days have brought some hefty thunder and lightning storms through Idaho. So far, only light wildfires have been reported, and no fire bans have been initiated. Which is really amazing, considering the last 4 years in a row fire bans hit most of Idaho before the start of August.
The best place to keep tabs on Idaho's wildfires is at
InciWeb's Idaho Incidents area.
Please remember to pick up your trash, don't bring glass or hassle wildlife. Remember to share, and most of all - enjoy the rest of summer.
Happy Trails!
Side Note: My blogroll has been updated with some incredible blogs:
California Camp Bug,
Hiker Hell,
Idaho Nature Notes,
Light Backpacking and the Idaho Incident feed from